Aufnahmedatum: 1951 March 3
Dauer: 0:57
Beschreibung: Letter in English. On the publication of Schoenberg's Structural functions of harmony.
Signatur: 101/R7
Publikationen: keine


[Die herausgehobenen Stellen fehlen auf der Aufnahme.]
Arnold Schoenberg
116 N. Rockingha
m Avenue
Los Angeles 2-4-49, California
March32, 1951
[sic, i.e. 1951?]

Mrs. Clara Steuermann
160 West 73rd Street
New York 23, N.Y.

Dear Mrs. Steuermann:

Thank you very much for your information. I plan to publish Structural Functions in an inexpensive edition now if I can arrange it. I have to get some money from Bomart, and this will probably suffice to do this. This will then fill... this will then fulfill the demand of the copyright law, and the English publisher who just published the English edition of Style and Idea, will then go ahead and publish also this book over there. I am with many cordial thanks and greetings, also to Eduard,
yours cordially
Arnold Schoenberg